Webinar: Data Security Legislation and Regulation: 2014 Year in Review

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Each week in the news we learn of yet another cyber attack or data breach. After the data breach at Target and Michael’s last Christmas, it was assumed by pundits and policymakers that Congress and the White House would take swift action. Now - almost a year later - no legislation. That does NOT mean legislators and regulators won’t take action if another large breach occurs. January will bring in a new Congress – and data security legislation is one of the items that will be on the agenda. 

Each week in the news we learn of yet another cyber attack or data breach. After the data breach at Target and Michael’s last Christmas, it was assumed by pundits and policymakers that Congress and the White House would take swift action. Now - almost a year later - no legislation. That does NOT mean legislators and regulators won’t take action if another large breach occurs. January will bring in a new Congress – and data security legislation is one of the items that will be on the agenda. 

What may or may not happen in Washington on cyber security and data security is important to all merchants and businesses. The threat of cyber-theft and data breaches is real and affects every business – big or small- and all consumers. Merchants of all channels spend $6.5 billion each year protecting against payment card fraud, which usually is the ultimate goal of data breaches. These cyber criminals have become more sophisticated and aggressive in breaking into networks to steal personal and financial information. 

To learn more about what policymakers – in Congress and the White House may be working on – please join Paige Anderson, Doug Kantor and Gray Taylor to hear about the current state of federal legislation and regulation as it relates to data security.

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